11 01, 2017

The Complete Guide to Installing Solar Through PPA’s, Solar Leases or Purchasing

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Adding a solar installation is one of the best investments you can make for your property. Depending on your area, a well-managed and properly installed system qualifies for numerous tax credits and green energy credits, and can increase the value of your home. Since the electricity produced by a solar system is free, a

7 11, 2016

Announcing the SouthWest Sun Solar Scholarship for California College Students

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After a couple months of work, SouthWest Sun Solar is excited to announce that we have created our company’s first scholarship! Spearheaded by CEO, Hugh Nguyen, the scholarship is just another step in the growing roots of SouthWest Sun Solar’s work in the community. To understand why we created this scholarship you need to understand

6 10, 2016

SouthWest Sun Solar Featured on The Society for Diversity

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Earlier this week, SouthWest Sun Solar was given the opportunity to guest post on The Society for Diversity which is the #1 Professional Association for Diversity and Inclusion Leadership. The organization describes its goal as helping members become the most knowledgeable, skilled and practice diversity experts in the world. Naturally, because SouthWest Sun Solar has been